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Die größten Empfänger des Deutschen Aufbau- und Resilienzplans

In dieser Liste finden Sie die 100 Empfänger, die in Deutschland die höchsten Beträge zur Ausführung von Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Aufbau- und Resilienzfazilität (ARF) erhalten haben. Alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten sind – im Sinne der Transparenz der Verwendung von Mitteln – verpflichtet, diese Angaben zu veröffentlichen. Sie werden zweimal jährlich aktualisiert (Stand der Daten: 31. Dezember 2023).

Rechtsgrundlagen und Hinweise:

Alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten sind verpflichtet, ein öffentliches Portal mit Daten zu den 100 größten Endbegünstigten ihrer Aufbau- und Resilienzpläne zu errichten. Dies ist in Artikel 25a der Verordnung (EU) 2021/241 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 12. Februar 2021 zur Einrichtung der Aufbau- und Resilienzfazilität in der Fassung der Verordnung (EU) 2023/435 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. Februar 2023 zur Änderung der Verordnung (EU) 2021/241 in Bezug auf REPowerEU-Kapitel in den Aufbau- und Resilienzplänen und zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EU) Nr. 1303/2013, (EU) 2021/1060 und (EU) 2021/1755 sowie der Richtlinie 2003/87/EG geregelt.

Von den 100 Endbegünstigten, die in Deutschland die höchsten Beträge an Mitteln zur Ausführung von Maßnahmen im Rahmen der ARF erhalten haben, werden die folgenden Daten veröffentlicht: Name, Identifikator, der von jedem Empfänger erhaltene Gesamtbetrag sowie die jeweiligen Maßnahmen, für die der Endbegünstigte Mittel im Rahmen der Fazilität empfangen hat.

Die Daten von natürlichen Personen werden zwei Jahre einsehbar sein, gerechnet von dem Ende des Kalenderjahres, in dem die Mittel an den Endbegünstigten ausgezahlt wurden. Weitere Hinweise zum Datenschutz finden Sie hier.

Auf der Internetseite der EU-Kommission finden Sie weitere Informationen und Links zu den 100 größten Endempfängern anderer Mitgliedstaaten.

Name des
Kennung des
Erhaltener Gesamtbetrag
(in Euro)
Betroffene Maßnahmen
DB Netz AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 199 861 757
500.000.000,002.2.4 - Promotion of the digitalisation of rail by replacing conventional interlocking/fast-track programmes to speed up the roll-out of the ‘Digital Rail Germany’ (SLP)
BioNTech SEUSt-Nummer:
DE 263 382 495
375.003.090,371.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.3 - Special programme to accelerate research and development of urgently needed vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
Dataport AöRUSt-Nummer:
DE 813 840 400
257.374.703,486.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
3.1.2 - Education Platform
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Bundesdruckerei GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 202 620 438
212.036.842,536.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
CureVac N.V.USt-Nummer:
DE 221 393 632
196.321.401,005.1.3 - Special programme to accelerate research and development of urgently needed vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
]init[ AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 812 816 783
194.032.449,066.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Universität der Bundeswehr MünchenUSt-Nummer:
181.060.634,732.2.3 - Digitalisation and Technology Research Centre of the Bundeswehr (
3.1.4 - Modernisation of the Federal Armed Forces’ educational and training facilities
Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 6609
139.981.390,711.1.1 - Hydrogen projects within the framework of IPCEIs
D-NRW AöRUSt-Nummer:
DE 333 316 744
132.910.514,126.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
Helmut Schmidt Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr HamburgUSt-Nummer:
DE 243 036 645
132.138.347,182.2.3 - Digitalisation and Technology Research Centre of the Bundeswehr (
3.1.4 - Modernisation of the Federal Armed Forces’ educational and training facilities
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung eingetragener VereinVR 4461100.159.242,923.1.2 - Education Platform
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
1.2.2 - Funding for the development of electro-mobility
1.1.4 - Project-related climate protection research
1.2.7 - Promotion of the industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
LEASYS S.P.A. ZWEIGSTELLE DeutschlandUSt-Nummer:
DE 313 475 141
91.028.409,951.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Auswärtiges AmtUSt-Nummer:
DE 122 118 920
81.248.212,702.1.1 - Innovative data policy for Germany
PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 263 260 308
HRB 182217 B
81.093.169,416.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
3.1.2 - Education Platform
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
6.2.2 - Expansion of consulting services of PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 3498
80.567.623,691.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
Sixt GmbH & Co. AV KGUSt-Nummer:
DE 223 999 470
79.943.890,351.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Deutsche Post AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 169 838 187
71.457.475,681.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Robert Bosch Gesellschaft mit beschränkter HaftungHandelsregister‑
HRB 14000
57.358.391,481.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.1 - Hydrogen projects within the framework of IPCEIs
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Finn GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 324 875 002
56.469.006,981.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Accenture GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 113 826 346
54.551.252,346.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Orphoz GmbH & Co. KGUSt-Nummer:
DE 297 011 893
52.667.312,636.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration Baden-Württemberg, Landesgesundheitsministerium  51.692.391,541.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
SAP SEHandelsregister‑
HRB 719915
40.584.432,681.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
2.1.3 - IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS)
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Fleetpool GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 342369161
40.094.121,921.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
ekom21 - KGRZ HessenUSt-Nummer:
37.647.854,396.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Bearing Point GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 811 218 846
35.847.198,016.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Capgemini Deutschland GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 146 018 773
34.404.127,216.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
AKDB Anstalt des öffentlichen RechtsUSt-Nummer:
DE 129 523 371
32.879.908,176.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
Materna Information & Communications SEUSt-Nummer:
DE 124 904 070
30.203.690,636.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers  investment programme 
Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit 30.039.495,121.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
mgm technology partners gmbhUSt-Nummer:
DE 815 309 575
29.493.790,716.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
EMobG Services Germany GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 815 728 335
24.964.589,021.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Ernst & Young GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 147 799 609
24.743.806,586.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Opel Bank S.A Niederlassung DeutschlandUSt-Nummer:
DE 323 514 470
24.707.846,371.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Komm.ONE AöRUSt-Nummer:
DE 147 794 223
23.670.884,636.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
T-Systems International GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 118 645 675
HRB 55933
23.662.752,766.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
3.1.2 - Education Platform
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration  23.260.897,881.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen 22.905.550,643.1.2 - Education Platform
3.1.3 - Educational centres of excellence
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
1.2.2 - Funding for the development of electro-mobility
1.1.4 - Project-related climate protection research
1.2.7 - Promotion of the industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KGHRA 11120121.853.878,821.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 138378
21.233.968,081.2.5 - Support for purchases of buses with alternative propulsion
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers  investment programme 
Bechtle AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 143 849 458
21.206.934,066.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
3.1.2 - Education Platform
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 194 821 795
20.059.737,936.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
Datagroup SEUSt-Nummer:
DE 277 296 823
19.979.108,256.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
IDT Biologika GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 139 775 502
19.959.753,381.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.3 - Special programme to accelerate research and development of urgently needed vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts)USt-Nummer:
DE 136 626 890
19.800.331,944.1.5. - Digital Pension Overview
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
EURO-Leasing GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 812 211 854
18.805.353,321.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Gesundheit (MWG) (Rheinland Pflalz) 18.740.338,775.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
ITSBw, IT-Informationstechnik Schule der Bundeswehr22/650/0620718.142.640,903.1.4 - Modernisation of the Federal Armed Forces’ educational and training facilities
Autohaus Gotthard König GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 158 687 269
17.151.828,331.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Hertz Autovermietung GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 813 881 939
16.832.068,081.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Deutsche Telekom Security GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 254 595 345
16.699.361,196.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
ZIT-BB046/144/0186416.449.640,166.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
SenWGPG – Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung, Berlin 16.417.075,035.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Sächsisches Ministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt SMS (Sachsen) 16.335.855,905.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn-AktiengesellschaftHandelsregister‑
HRB 7522
15.674.039,671.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.6 - Support to promote alternative rail propulsion
DigitalService GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 327 07 5535
15.351.953,536.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
msg systems AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 129 420 400
HRB 140149
15.021.329,826.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
3.1.2 - Education Platform
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme 
Sopra Steria SEUSt-Nummer:
14.846.153,566.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
SunFire GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 31154
14.579.986,831.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 136 782 457
14.539.152,383.1.2 - Education Platform
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Nortal AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 288 921 613
14.318.405,796.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Bayerische Motoren Werke AktiengesellschaftHandelsregister‑
HRB 42243
14.029.626,641.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.2 - Funding for the development of electro-mobility
1.2.7 - Promotion of the industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Medizinische Hochschule HannoverHandelsregister‑
HRB 222384
14.010.560,535.1.2 - Programme to future-proof hospitals
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 13.959.408,093.1.2 - Education Platform
3.1.3 - Educational centres of excellence
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
1.1.4 - Project-related climate protection research
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Deutsche Bahn Connect GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 181 348 252
13.885.896,821.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
FJD Information Technologies AGUSt-Nummer:
DE 161 238 877
13.731.517,536.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
Renault Retail Group Deutschland GmbH 13.628.661,461.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Mercedes-Benz Automotive Mobility GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 321 281 763
13.094.108,731.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Care by Volvo Car Germany GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 113 593 224
12.848.916,511.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung 12.616.383,775.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
The Boston Consulting Group GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 130 747 608
12.567.575,866.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.1 - European identity ecosystem
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Siemens Mobility GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 237219
12.544.971,361.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.7 - Promotion of the industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig26031020912.528.557,731.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.2 - Programme to future-proof hospitals
Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Integration und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Brandenburg 12.133.181,235.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Lynk & Co Sales Germany GmbH 11.947.500,001.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
RVSE Mittelstandsallianz GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 310 539 101
11.806.906,226.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
Seitenbau GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 190 552 550
11.109.983,756.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
6.1.3 - Digitalisation of the administration – modernisation of registers
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
brain-SCC GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 813 163 771
11.084.862,806.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Budgetcar GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 297 343 096
10.948.550,631.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Hessische Zentrale für DatenverarbeitungUSt-Nummer:
DE 113 823 616
10.936.857,366.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
gematik GmbH 10.838.499,215.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Bayerisches Landesamt für SteuernUSt-Nummer:
DE 813 297 313
10.804.649,846.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.VR 13378 B10.705.636,493.1.2 - Education Platform
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
1.1.4 - Project-related climate protection research
Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit Berlin26110187810.680.724,501.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.2 - Programme to future-proof hospitals
Freistaat Thüringen Thüringer Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit Frauen und Familie (TMASGFF) 10.649.439,205.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Autohaus Bernds GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 119 061 425
10.486.239,411.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Freudenberg Fuel Cell e-Power Systems GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 266894
10.353.554,761.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.7 - Promotion of the industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
ISO Public Services GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 295 675 431
9.834.207,136.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
Fleet Logistik GmbhUSt-Nummer:
DE 248 293 159
9.708.121,471.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Technische Universität Darmstadt 9.593.956,003.1.2 - Education Platform
3.1.3 - Educational centres of excellence
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.1.5 - Flagship projects for research and innovation in the context of the National Hydrogen Strategy
1.3.2 - Municipal living labs for the energy transition
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Siemens AktiengesellschaftHandelsregister‑
HRB 6684 HRB 12300 B
9.550.031,171.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.2 - Funding for the development of electro-mobility
1.2.7 - Promotion of the industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
Ardagh Glas GmbHHandelsregister‑
HRB 30704
9.372.709,321.1.2 - Funding programme for decarbonisation in industry
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.VR 27809.205.116,091.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.2 - Funding for the development of electro-mobility
1.1.4 - Project-related climate protection research
1.2.7 - Promotion of industries involved in hydrogen and fuel cell applications in transport
2.2.1 - Vehicle manufacturers/suppliers investment programme
RCS Immobilien Verwaltungs GmbHUSt-Nummer:
DE 261 532 479
8.972.839,271.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Mercedes-Benz Vans Mobility GmbH 8.824.000,001.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt am Main2606121248.782.745,291.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
5.1.2 - Programme to future-proof hospitals
Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung Land Sachsen-Anhalt 8.628.491,005.1.1 - Strengthening of the digital and technical resources of the public health service
Avis Budget Autovermietung GmbH & Co KGUSt-Nummer:
DE 165 038 067
8.602.531,521.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.3 - Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet
Regionalverkehr Köln Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (RVK)Handelsregister‑
HRB 7432
8.577.449,951.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles
1.2.5 - Support for purchases of buses with alternative propulsion
DE 114 118 368
8.517.058,346.1.2 - Digitalisation of the administration – implementation of the Online Access Act
1.2.4 - Extension of the initial registration period for granting the ten-year tax exemption for purely electric vehicles