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30 September 2022


First impact report for Green German Federal securities published

Today the German government published its first impact report for Green German Federal securities. The report provides a transparent overview of the impact of the Green German Federal securities that were issued in 2020 on the climate, environment and nature. Multiple funding programmes from 65 items in the 2019 federal budget were allocated to the proceeds from the issuance, which totalled €11.5 billion. The impact report presents in detail the contributions that the eligible green expenditures are making to climate protection, climate change adaptation, mitigating environmental pollution, and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.

As can be seen from the available impact indicators, the German government’s support measures cover a broad range of areas, from greenhouse gas reductions to funding for infrastructure, e-vehicles, and multiple projects in the areas of international cooperation and research and development.

  • In the transport sector, expansions and new projects in the area of rail and water transport will contribute to a reduction in annual emissions of more than 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents once the measures have been completed.
  • Investments totalling €4.15 billion in the existing rail network made a significant contribution to maintaining the network, with 1,105km of track, 1,417 switches and 289 bridges being renewed.
  • Spending in the area of electric mobility provided funding for more than 69,000 e-vehicles, almost 2,900 charging stations and 840 research projects.
  • An annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of about 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents was reported for the programmes to promote renewable energy and increase energy efficiency.
  • In the international cooperation sector, more than €2.9 billion was provided to finance or co-finance nearly 2,000 projects, for example to support developing and emerging countries in their transition to more environmentally sustainable economies and societies.
  • Support was provided for more than 4,500 research and development projects that enable education and innovation on climate and environmental issues.

By issuing Green German Federal securities, the German government is making a significant contribution to the further development of the sustainable finance markets. Thus, it is demonstrating to other issuers that climate action, environmental protection and nature conservation can be financed effectively and economically. The issuance volume of Green German Federal securities will be increased this year to a total of €14.5 billion with a further tap of the 10-year Green Bund in the fourth quarter of 2022.