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23 April 2024

Overview of federal budgetary and financial data up to and including March 2024

Translated extracts from the Federal Ministry of Finance’s April 2024 monthly report

Federal budget trends up to and including March 2024

Table: Trends in the federal budget
Actual 20232024 targetActual¹
January to March 2024

Expenditure (€bn)²


Year-on-year change in % (year to date)


Revenue (€bn)³


Year-on-year change in % (year to date)


Tax revenue (€bn)


Year-on-year change in % (year to date)


Balance of pass-through funds (€bn)

Fiscal balance (€bn)


Financing/use of surplus:


Cash resources (€bn)


Seigniorage (€bn)

Movements in reserves⁴ (€bn)


Net borrowing⁵ (€bn)



Federal revenue (excluding seigniorage, withdrawals from reserves and revenue from loans) in the period from January to March 2024 totalled €94.8bn, up by 7.2% (€6.4bn) on the year. Tax revenues were up by 3.1% (€2.6bn) on the year. Further information on tax revenues is provided in the article “Tax revenues and economic environment in March 2024” (in German only) in the current edition of the monthly report.

The category of “other revenue” totalled €9.2bn in the January–March period, a year-on-year gain of 70.5% (€3.8bn). Receipts from the distance-based commercial vehicle toll increased by €0.9bn on the year, mainly due to Germany’s recent addition of a CO2 component to the toll. In addition, since the beginning of the year, revenue from allocations of spectrum for mobile communications (which totalled €0.4bn in the first three months of 2024) has flowed into the federal budget rather than into the special fund for digital infrastructure as in previous years. Interest revenue from the Federation’s cash management system increased by €0.4bn on the year in the first quarter of 2024.


Federal expenditure in the first three months of 2024 totalled €113.2bn, down by 4.5% (€5.3bn) on the year. A breakdown by economic category shows that the decrease in expenditure was caused by lower investment spending, which was down by 54.7% (€7.5bn) on the year. The enormous decline in investment spending was mainly due to a special factor in 2023: specifically, a €6.3bn loan that was granted to the IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust in January 2023 was recorded as an investment item, as required under budget law. No such loan was made in 2024. After adjusting for this effect, investment spending was down by €1.2bn (16.5%) on the year. This outcome can be attributed mainly to the fact that no liquidity assistance has been provided to the Federal Employment Agency so far in 2024. Fixed asset investment was down by 7.0% on the year.

Consumption spending rose by 2.1% (€2.2bn) on the year. Operating expenditure and interest expenditure were both down on the year (by €0.7bn and €0.3bn respectively), while ongoing grants and subsidies climbed by €2.3bn. Spending on efforts to enhance security, defence and stability in partner countries totalled €2.0bn in the first quarter of 2024, an increase of €1.2bn on the year. These funds are being used primarily to support Ukraine. Federal subsidies to the general pension insurance system also rose by €1.2bn on the year, and spending on citizen’s benefit grew by €1.0bn on the year. Furthermore, repayments of pandemic-related immediate assistance loans for small businesses and self-employed individuals, which last year were accounted for in a manner that lowered spending figures for ongoing grants and subsidies by €1.7bn in the first three months of 2023, are now recorded in the accounts as revenue; no such revenue was posted in the first three months of 2024. In contrast, federal payments to the health fund to cover pandemic-related costs declined by €1.1bn on the year in the first three months of 2024. No money was budgeted this year for federal lump-sum contributions to the long-term care insurance system; in the first quarter of 2024, this led to a €0.9bn year-on-year reduction in federal spending when compared with the same period last year.

Fiscal balance

The federal budget recorded a deficit of €18.4bn for the January–March 2024 period.

Revenue and expenditure are subject to strong fluctuations over the course of the fiscal year and thus have an uneven effect on cash funds in individual months. Net borrowing also tends to fluctuate considerably over the course of the year. This means that the fiscal balance at this point in the year and the corresponding net borrowing figures are not reliable indicator

s of the end-of-year figures for the fiscal balance and net borrowing. This is especially true at the start of the year, and even more so in 2024 due to the interim budget that was in effect during the first few weeks of the year.

Trends in federal expenditure by function
Actual 20232024 targetActualYear-on-year change
(year to date)
January to
March 2023
January to
March 2024
in €mshare in %in €mshare in %in €min %

General public services


Economic cooperation and development




Government, central administration


Revenue administration


Education, science, research, cultural affairs


Support for school and university students and training programme participants


Science, research and development outside of higher education institutions


Social security, family affairs and youth, labour market policy


Social security funds including unemployment insurance


of which:


General pension insurance


Health insurance


Labour market policy


of which:


Citizen’s benefit under Book II of the Social Code


Government housing and heating allowances under Book II of the Social Code


Family assistance, welfare services, etc.


Social benefits under Book XII of the Social Code and the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)


Other social affairs


Health, environment, sport, recreation


Housing, urban development, regional planning and local community services


Housing, home ownership savings premium


Food, agriculture and forestry


Energy and water management, trade and services


Regional support measures


Monetary and insurance system


Other trade and services


Transport and communication




Railways and public transport


Financial management


Real property and capital assets, special funds and financial grants


Interest expenditure and borrowing-related expenditure


Total expenditure¹

Trends in federal expenditure by economic category
Actual 20232024 targetActualYear-on-year change
(year to date)
January to
March 2023
January to
March 2024
in €mshare in %in €mshare in %in €min %

Consumption expenditure


Human resources expenditure


Salary payments




Operating expenditure

43,6549.545,0389.48,3037,623 -8.2

Maintenance of immovable property


Military procurement

17,0353.715,2473.22,9132,530 -13.1


25,4075.628,5776.05,1544,840 -6.1

Interest expenditure

37,6488.237,4097.810,34310,005 -3.3

Ongoing grants and subsidies


to public administrations


to other areas


of which:




Pensions, benefits, etc.


Social security funds

144,49831.6143,92530.244,87443,654 -2.7

Other asset transfers


Investment expenditure

54,96112.070,52214.813,7816,246 -54.7

Financial assistance

48,26010.664,00313.412,9855,506 -57.6

Grants and subsidies

37,1198.143,8289.25,3675,209 -2.9

Loans, guarantees

9,7412.114,5513.17,617247 -96.8

Acquisition of holdings; capital contributions


Fixed asset investment

6,7021.56,5191.4796740 -7.0

Construction projects


Acquisition of movable assets

2,4280.52,4780.5417298 -28.5

Acquisition of real property

1390.0700.02015 -25.0

General reduction/increase in expenditure


Total expenditure¹

457,129100.0476,808100.0118,542113,232 -4.5
Trends in federal revenue
Actual 20232024 targetActualYear-on-year change
(year to date)
January to
March 2023
January to
March 2024
in €mshare in %in €mshare in %in €min %



Federal share of joint taxes:


Income tax and corporation tax
(incl. final withholding tax on interest and capital gains)


of which:


Wages tax


Assessed income tax

31,1908.031,1847.38,3838,118 -3.2

Non-assessed tax on earnings

18,2214.617,2004.03,2472,748 -15.4

Final withholding tax on interest and capital gains


Corporation tax

22,4265.723,3505.55,3505,070 -5.2

Value added taxes


Trade tax apportionment

2,6850.72,7370.62,399203 -91.5

Energy duty


Tobacco duty


Solidarity surcharge


Insurance tax


Electricity duty

6,8321.75,0351.21,7491,540 -11.9

Motor vehicle tax


Alcohol duty including alcopops duty

2,1600.62,1920.5531520 -2.1

Coffee duty

1,0300.31,0400.2255248 -2.7

Aviation tax


Sparkling wine duty and intermediate products duty


Other taxes accruing to the Federation




Consolidation assistance for the Länder


Supplementary grants to Länder

10,883X11,152X2,6932,570 -4.6

EU own resources (GNI-based)

22,981X23,850X6,1044,241 -30.5

EU own resources (VAT-based)


EU own resources (plastics)


Grants to Länder for public transport


Grants to Länder for motor vehicle tax and HGV toll


Other revenue


Revenue from economic activity


Interest revenue


Loan repayments, holdings, privatisation proceeds


Total revenue²


to the top

Tax revenue in March 2024

2024 trends in tax revenue (excluding local authority taxes)¹
January to
2024 estimates⁴Year-on-year
in €min %in €min %in €min %

Joint taxes


Wages tax²


Assessed income tax

16,389 -4.819,102 -3.274,950+2.1

Non-assessed taxes on earnings

2,581 -10.05,510 -16.234,400 -5.6

Final withholding tax on interest and capital gains
(including the former withholding tax on interest income)

1,339+165.55,570+212.08,000 -4.3

Corporation tax

8,712 -8.810,141 -5.246,700+4.1

Value added taxes

19,699 -11.273,613+0.1311,350+6.8

Total joint taxes

66,774 -3.9171,037+1.8733,050+6.1

Trade tax apportionments paid to Federation and Länder


Trade tax apportionment


Increased trade tax apportionments


Total trade tax apportionments


Taxes accruing to the Federation


Energy duty

2,717 -0.44,488+2.936,300 -1.0

Tobacco duty

840 -36.22,672+0.116,080+9.6

Alcohol duty

153+4.1520 -1.92,190+1.4

Insurance tax


Electricity duty

538 -11.21,540 -11.98,285+21.3

Motor vehicle tax

961 -6.02,661+1.19,565+0.5

Aviation tax


Solidarity surcharge


Other taxes accruing to the Federation

111+1.2365 -1.71,439+1.4

Total taxes accruing to the Federation

8,152 -5.723,846+3.2106,339+4.4

Taxes accruing to the Länder


Inheritance tax

801 -15.02,388+0.89,200 -0.9

Real property transfer tax

958 -18.12,986 -11.212,400+1.6

Betting and lottery tax

201+3.5651 -2.22,480+0.1

Beer duty

41+2.0123 -2.3580+0.1

Other taxes accruing to the Länder


Total taxes accruing to the Länder

2,258 -12.36,478 -5.025,355+0.6

EU own resources


Customs duties

354 -22.61,125 -24.76,300+9.9

VAT-based own resources


GNI own resources

1,884 -21.54,241 -30.523,850+3.8

Plastics own resources

130+25.8379+6.21,420 -0.2

Total EU own resources

2,882 -13.87,246 -21.837,170+4.9


33,178 -5.688,284+3.0381,159+7.1


35,570 -3.493,276+2.3399,858+4.5


2,882 -13.87,246 -21.837,170+4.9

Local authorities’ share of income tax and value added tax


Total tax revenue (excluding local authority taxes)

77,551 -4.5202,975+1.6877,651+5.8

Tax revenue trends

Total tax revenue

Overall tax revenue (excluding local authority taxes) was down by approximately 4½% on the year in March 2024 (see the table “2024 trends in tax revenue (excluding local authority taxes)”). Revenue from joint taxes and from federal and Länder taxes was down on the year. Joint taxes, which account for the largest share of tax revenue, posted a year-on-year decline of about 4% in March. Continuing the trend of recent months, withholding tax on interest and capital gains recorded significant revenue growth. Wages tax receipts also increased, but at a much more moderate pace. Receipts from assessed income tax and corporation tax, on the other hand, were down on the year in March 2024, the first month in the year when prepayments are due. Revenue from non-assessed taxes on earnings and value added taxes continued to record year-on-year declines in March 2024. In the case of value added taxes, this was because of a very strong baseline figure for import VAT in March 2023 caused by an accounting-related effect (see further details on specific taxes below).

Receipts from taxes accruing to the Federation recorded a significant drop of 12%, primarily due to a decline in yields from tobacco duty, which fell by 36% on the year. The strong revenue growth in February 2024 indicates a shift in revenue between the two months compared with the same period last year. On a cumulative basis, revenue from tobacco duty posted only a slight decline on the year in the first quarter of 2024. As was the case in February 2024, the German government’s electricity price package was primarily responsible for the significant decline in electricity duty receipts, which were down by approximately 11% in March. Among the other high-revenue federal taxes, receipts from insurance tax posted a sharp increase of around 11%, receipts from energy duty and the solidarity surcharge remained virtually unchanged on the year, while revenue from motor vehicle tax was down by 6%.

Receipts from taxes accruing to the Länder fell by about 12% on the year. Revenue from real property transfer tax was about 18% lower than in March 2023. However, receipts in March 2024 remained at the same level as in recent months, confirming that revenue from real property transfer tax is stabilising at a significantly lower level than in previous years, with monthly receipts totalling approximately €1bn. Receipts from inheritance tax – the other high-revenue Länder tax – posted a significant year-on-year decline of 15%.

Apportionment of tax revenue among the different levels of government

The Federation’s tax receipts (after accounting for supplementary federal grants) recorded a decline of almost 6% in March 2024. This mainly reflects the decline in receipts from purely federal taxes and from joint taxes. Due to a year-on-year increase in fixed payments to the Länder, the Federation’s share of revenue from value added taxes dropped even more sharply than overall VAT revenue. The fixed payments are transferred from the Federation’s share of VAT revenue to the Länder in accordance with the Fiscal Equalisation Act (Finanzausgleichsgesetz). For details, see the table “Apportionment of VAT revenue in March 2024” below. Accordingly, Länder VAT revenue in March 2024 did not decline as sharply as overall VAT revenue. Taking into account the drop in revenue from taxes accruing to the Länder, Länder tax receipts (after accounting for supplementary federal grants) were down by just over 3%.

The Federation’s public transport subsidies to the Länder rose by nearly 17% on the year in March 2024. This increase was mainly due to monthly payments made by the Federation to help the Länder implement the Deutschlandticket, a public transport ticket that is valid throughout Germany. Another contributing factor was the dynamic adjustment of the public transport subsidies, which are raised by 3% per year in accordance with the Local Public Transport Act (Regionalisierungsgesetz). In contrast, supplementary federal grants to the Länder were about 5% lower on the year in March.

Transfers of own resources to the EU – which are financed from the Federation’s tax revenues – were down sharply on the year.

Local authorities’ take from their share of joint taxes was up by just over 1% on the year.

Apportionment of VAT revenue in March 2024

In March 2024, revenue from value added taxes was distributed as follows among the Federation, Länder and local authorities:


Share of total VAT revenue (€19,699m) as per section 1 of the Fiscal Equalisation Act


Plus (+) / minus (-):
1/12 of the fixed payments as per section 1 (2) and (2a) of the Fiscal Equalisation Act (€12,740m)


Share after accounting for the fixed payments


Further details on specific taxes

Wages tax

Gross wages tax receipts were up by roughly 4% on the year March 2024. The fact that this increase is not higher, despite a robust labour market and recent significant increases in nominal wages as shown in nominal wages indices, is partly due to tax relief measures: the second stage of tax rate adjustments under the Inflation Compensation Act (Inflationsausgleichsgesetz) to offset income tax bracket creep took effect at the start of 2024. Some wage agreements for 2024 provide for wage increases during the course of the year, which in many cases also replace payments of the inflation compensation bonus. This is likely to accelerate the pace of wages tax revenue growth as the year progresses. Child benefit payments – which are financed from wages tax receipts – remained almost constant on the year due to unchanged benefit rates. Cash receipts from wages tax were up by about 5%.

Taxes on earnings

The first instalment of 2024 prepayments of assessed income tax and corporation tax fell due in March 2024. In addition, the revenue administration’s assessment activities resulted in back payments of taxes and tax refunds. Prepayments of income tax for the current year were down by about 2% on the year in March. Taking into account retroactive prepayments for previous years resulting from assessments, the prepayment volume dropped by approximately 3%. The balance between back payments and refunds resulting from assessment activities was slightly worse than in March 2023. Overall, cash receipts from assessed income tax fell by almost 5% on the year. Research allowance payments financed from assessed income tax receipts more than doubled on the year, but due to their low volume in absolute terms, they had only a negligible impact on net results.

Prepayments of corporation tax for the current year were up slightly, by 1%. Taking into account the retroactive prepayments for previous years, prepayments were up by almost 2%. The assessment of tax cases resulted in a significantly larger year-on-year increase in refunds compared with back payments due to a large individual case. The volume of research allowance payments financed from corporation tax receipts is significantly higher than the volume of payments financed from assessed income tax receipts. Nonetheless, the sharp increase of about 43% in the volume of payments had only a minor impact on cash receipts. On balance, cash receipts from corporation tax were down by about 9% on the year in March.

Continuing the pattern of recent months, receipts from final withholding tax on interest and capital gains posted a huge year-on-year gain of 165% in March. This result was probably driven once again by the significant increase in interest rates as well as higher investment assets. In contrast, receipts from taxation of capital gains are most likely having a smaller impact on revenue trends at this time. The yield from non-assessed taxes on earnings was 10% lower than in March 2023. The months that account for the highest amounts of revenue from non-assessed taxes on earnings, and that therefore have the largest impact on annual results, tend to fall in the middle of the year.

Value added taxes

Revenue from value added taxes was down by approximately 11% on the year March 2024. This decrease was due to a base effect in connection with import VAT, however. Specifically, in 2023, some revenue from import VAT was shifted from February into March, because the due date for paying import VAT (the 26th of each month) gave the federal revenue administration only a few working days in February to process payments. Revenue in March 2023 was significantly inflated as a result. This explains the sharp decline in import VAT receipts in March 2024, by about 49%. Even after adjusting for this special effect, however, receipts from import VAT declined significantly. This is in line with trends in nominal imports, which – despite an increase in March compared with the previous month – were down by about 9% on the year, partly due to decreasing prices (most recently in February).

Without this base effect, overall revenue from value added taxes would have risen in March, because receipts from (domestic) VAT went up by almost 25% on the year. This rise in VAT revenue is due, in part, to the decline in deductions of input VAT from paid import VAT. The revenue fluctuations from month to month are probably also due in part to the accounting practices of companies. Revenue from value added taxes stagnated in the first quarter of 2024 when compared with the same period last year. This reflects the continuing weak trend in consumption and a significantly reduced propensity to buy (see above). The anticipated recovery of private consumption over the course of the year will probably have a moderately positive impact on VAT revenue.

to the top

Borrowing and guarantees

Borrowing trends for the Federation in March 2024
in €m
 Debt levelBorrowing
Debt repayment
Debt levelChange in debt level
29 February 2024MarchMarch31 March 2024MarchMarch



broken down by purpose


Federal budget


Special funds with their own borrowing authorisation
(excluding loan financing)


Financial Market Stabilisation Fund (loans for expenses pursuant to section 9 (1) of the Stabilisation Fund Act (Stabilisierungsfondsgesetz))


Investment and Redemption Fund


Economic Stabilisation Fund (loans for recapitalisation measures pursuant to section 22 of the Stabilisation Fund Act)


Special fund for the Bundeswehr


Loan financing


Financial Market Stabilisation Fund (loans for resolution authorities pursuant to section 9 (5) of the Stabilisation Fund Act)


Economic Stabilisation Fund (loans for KfW pursuant to section 23 of the Stabilisation Fund Act)

Borrowing trends for the Federation (budget and special funds, excluding loan financing) in March 2024
in €m
 Debt levelBorrowing
Debt repayment
Debt levelChange in debt level
29 February 2024MarchMarch31 March 2024MarchMarch



broken down by purpose


Federal budget


Financial Market Stabilisation Fund (loans for expenses pursuant to section 9 (1) of the Stabilisation Fund Act (Stabilisierungsfondsgesetz))


Investment and Redemption Fund


Economic Stabilisation Fund (loans for recapitalisation measures pursuant to section 22 of the Stabilisation Fund Act)


Special fund for the Bundeswehr


broken down by debt type


Conventional federal securities


30-year federal bonds


15-year federal bonds


10-year federal bonds


7-year federal bonds


Federal notes


Federal Treasury notes


Treasury discount papers issued by the Federation


Inflation-linked federal securities


Green German Federal securities


Securitised loans


Other loans and ordinary debts


For information purposes:


Liabilities from the indexing of inflation-linked federal securities


Reserves in accordance with the Final Payment Financing Act (Schlusszahlungsfinanzierungsgesetz)

Amount allocated as
of 31 March 2024
Amount allocated as
of 31 March 2023
in €bn

Export credit guarantees


Loans to foreign debtors, foreign direct investment, EIB loans

Financial cooperation projects


Food stockpiling

Domestic guarantees


International financing institutions


Treuhandanstalt successor organisations

Interest compensation guarantees

to the top


Publication schedule¹ of the monthly reports and fiscal data
Monthly reportReporting periodPublication date
May 2024 issueApril 202424 May 2024
June 2024 issueMay 202420 June 2024
July 2024 issueJune 202423 July 2024
August 2024 issueJuly 202422 August 2024
September 2024 issueAugust 202420 September 2024
October 2024 issueSeptember 202422 October 2024
November 2024 issueOctober 202421 November 2024
December 2024 issueNovember 202420 December 2024
Key dates on the fiscal and economic policy agenda

7 May 2024

Global Solutions Summit, Berlin, Germany

13–14 May 2024

Eurogroup and ECOFIN Council meetings in Brussels, Belgium

23–25 May 2024

Meeting of G7 finance ministers and central bank governors in Stresa, Italy

28 May 2024

Franco-German Council of Ministers in Merseburg, Germany

20–21 June 2024

Eurogroup and ECOFIN Council meetings in Luxembourg

15–16 July 2024

Eurogroup and ECOFIN Council meetings in Brussels, Belgium

25–26 July 2024

Meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

13–14 August 2024

Meeting of the finance ministers of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein in Austria