All news: Sustainable Development Strategy
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All results for: All news: Sustainable Development Strategy
Sustainability First impact report for Green German Federal securities published
On 20 April 2021, the German government published the first allocation report for its Green Federal securities issued in 2020. The “Green Bond Allocation Report 2020” provides investors with transparent and binding information on expenditures from the federal government’s environmental and climate protection programmes. It lists expenditures recognised as “green” in the 2019 federal budget and …
Sustainability German government’s future-oriented subsidy policy
Das Bundeskabinett hat heute den Bericht der Bundesregierung über die Entwicklung der Finanzhilfen des Bundes und der Steuervergünstigungen für die Jahre 2019 bis 2022 beschlossen. Der 28. Subventionsbericht macht deutlich: Die Subventionspolitik ist zentraler Bestandteil der zukunftsorientierten Finanzpolitik der Bundesregierung. Durch eine klare inhaltliche Schwerpunktsetzung geben die …
Sustainability German Sustainable Finance Strategy
Today the federal cabinet adopted the first German Sustainable Finance Strategy. The goal of the strategy is to mobilise investments that are urgently needed for climate action and sustainability while also addressing the climate risks that are increasingly relevant to the financial system. Germany’s Sustainable Finance Strategy is setting a new course in the financial system based on the core …
Sustainability Federal government publishes first allocation report for Green Federal securities
On 20 April 2021, the German government published the first allocation report for its Green Federal securities issued in 2020. The “Green Bond Allocation Report 2020” provides investors with transparent and binding information on expenditures from the federal government’s environmental and climate protection programmes. It lists expenditures recognised as “green” in the 2019 federal budget and …
Sustainability European Sustainable Finance Summit
As the European Sustainable Finance Summit gets underway, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz and Environment Minister Svenja Schulze are calling on European companies to invest more in sustainable economic activities. The first survey, published today, on applying the EU taxonomy shows that just 2% of companies’ activities by revenue meet the taxonomy’s level of ambition for climate action and …
Sustainability Germany to issue Green German Federal Securities from 2020
The Federal Republic of Germany is publishing its first framework for Green German Federal Securities today. The aim of these securities is to make Germany’s “green” budget spending transparent while also strengthening the country’s position in the area of sustainable finance. As a benchmark issuer for the euro area, the German federal government will offer different maturities, establish a green …
Sustainability German cabinet adopts legislation on phasing out coal
The German cabinet today adopted the Act on the Reduction and Termination of Coal-Fired Electricity Generation and Amending Further Acts (Gesetz zur Reduzierung und zur Beendigung der Kohleverstromung und zur Änderung weiterer Gesetze).
Sustainability Clear and socially equitable incentives for climate-friendly behaviour
Today the German government adopted draft legislation to implement the Climate Action Programme 2030 in tax law and to amend the Aviation Tax Act.
Sustainability Sound financing for effective and socially equitable climate action
Today the federal cabinet has approved the draft supplementary federal budget for 2020 and the draft budget for the Energy and Climate Fund for 2020. Today’s decision has created the budgetary conditions for rapid implementation of the Climate Action Programme agreed by the German government on 25 September 2019.
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