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28 October 2024

Tax information for investors

Germany is a top location for international investors. Key points of contact are provided below.

Construction cranes BildVergroessern
Source:  picture alliance/dpa | Matthias Balk

Tax information for investors

Germany is a top location for international investors. Foreign direct investment boosts growth and employment. Further information is available on the website of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

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Foreign Investors Help Desk

The Federal Central Tax Office has a help desk to assist foreign investors. Its services cover two key areas:

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1. The German tax administration’s central point of contact for foreign investors

The Tax Information Centre offers services to improve the organisational framework for investors in Germany. Its website – in both German and English – serves as a key source of tax-related information for foreign investors. See

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2. Issuance of advance rulings

Upon request, the help desk can provide foreign investors with advance rulings on the tax treatment of precisely defined business plans that (a) have not yet been carried out and (b) have significant tax implications that warrant an advance ruling (for example, it can issue advance rulings for specific investment projects).

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